Tales of Old Giralliya is an experiment for me.
I conceived of the stories as the fairy tales that mothers and fathers of my North-lands tell their young children at bedtime, and I recounted the stories in the spare style typical of fairy tales.
Characters are sketched in with just a few details, leaning heavily on archetypes. We have the young, inexperienced king, who tries something that an older man would not. Or the young girl, kidnapped from home, held captive by her enemies, and faced with a chance to save her village, but lacking any obvious means to do so.
Each story is comprised of just one scene, or two, embedded within a scant narrative frame that is the equivalent of ‘once upon a time.’
I loved telling the stories, writing in hope that some of my readers would enjoy reading them.
But would they? Would they really?
And who might like to be my first reader, the one to give me necessary feedback—feedback that would allow me to revise the stories to be their best?
I needed someone who not only had loved fairy tales as a child, but who still loved them. Someone who might pull out her battered copy of East of the Sun and West of the Moon and read it for pleasure (not mere nostalgia) now.
Really, my choice of a first reader was simple. I asked the curator of the bundle for which Tales of Old Giralliya was created.
She graciously consented to help me, and I sent her the file.
Then I waited. Nervously.
I thought she would like the stories, but . . . would she really?
Well, good news: she did!
And she provided me with excellent feedback.
My collection has now been revised, edited, and proofread, and will release sometime this month in the bundle entitled Might Have Been.
Here’s a little bit about Tales of Old Giralliya.
A troll-mage rains death upon the land from his citadel in the sky. Who—if anyone—can defeat him? Despite the oracle’s prophecy, few believe the beggar’s son might be the people’s champion.
A magical plague infests the villages, the cities, and the lonely manors. Will the realm descend into ruin before a cure is found? Or could wizened, old Eliya convince the stricken that something improbable might save them all?
Three ducal brothers fight for the rule of their duchy, crushing fields and hamlets under their chariot wheels. Can young Andraia, kidnapped from her village, bring the destructive struggle to an end?
Instead of Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, or the Pied Piper of Hamelin, the Giralliyan Empire has Ravessa’s Ride, the Thricely Odd Troll, the Kite Climber, and more. Tales of Old Giralliya presents six of these fresh, new fairy tales for your enjoyment.
Adventure and magic in the tradition of The Red Fairy Book and the Tales of the Brothers Grimm.
For more about Tales of Old Giralliya, see:
Rebirth of Four Fairy Tales
Two Giralliyan Folk Heroes
Caught Between Two Armies