Newly Released: Take from Hell

Pierced by the hero’s song, she prays hell’s queen will weep…

A nameless shade, newly arrived in Hades’ darkness, struggles to remember her past. As ghosts press around her, she suspects she descended to the underworld deliberately, with a purpose—not just because she died. But what that purpose might be eludes her.

When the mortal hero Orpheus appears—effulgent with the light of the living—the shade hopes she is his beloved Eurydice and that he has come to rescue her.

But unless she learns that her most essential self cannot be stolen and cannot be restored by another, hell will claim her forever, dooming her to silence and forgotten memory—her quest unfulfilled.

Take from Hell is the third tale in the gripping Hades Cycle. If you loathe the despair of lost memory, if you long for the splendor of light vanquishing darkness, if you believe in the power of love, then you’ll revel in this inventive riff on ancient myth.

Read Take from Hell and discover love’s valor today!



The Reputation of Dìs

When I embarked upon writing the tales that would comprise my Hades Cycle, I did quite a bit of re-reading of Greek mythology. Since I’ve always been fascinated by the stories of the ancient world, this was a pleasure and a treat.

Naturally, with the underworld serving as the lynchpin of the series, I needed to review the deeds of its ruler Dìs (also known by many other names and epithets). I’d not realized in my first reading encounters with him that his abduction of Persephone was not a one-off. The fellow had practice!

Theophile, a mortal girl who boasted that she was more beautiful than Persephone when the maiden goddess remained yet under Demeter’s aegis, caught Dìs’ attention with her claims. There must have been some substance to the girl’s words, because Dìs was captivated.

He stole Theophile away to Hades, where she lived out her mortal span of years as Dìs’ companion and lover. When she died, Dìs turned her into a white poplar tree growing in the Elysian Fields, a paradise where virtuous mortals dwell after death.

The white poplar has special significance, because of the stature it holds as the victory wreath donned by the hero Heracles in celebration of his return from the underworld after completing his twelfth labor there. The distinctive leaf of the white poplar—dark on its upper surface and pale on the underside—symbolizes the duality of the full tally of Heracles’ labors, most in the daylit world under the sun, but the final one in the dark of the underworld. A hero must prevail not only in waking deeds, but also in the murkiest depths of his own psyche.

The white poplar possesses an alternate symbolism (acquired from Dìs’ hands before the advent of either Heracles or Theophile), but I’ll discuss that anon. For now, let’s return to Dìs’ love life. 😉

Minthe, a later mistress of Dìs, was a river nymph. No mention is made of how she came to dwell in Hades at the god’s side, but she came to no good end. Dìs was said to have put her aside when he married Persephone, and the nymph refused to go quietly. Like Theophile, she boasted that she was more beautiful than Persephone, and she claimed that Dìs would soon take her back and place her on Persephone’s throne as his queen.

Demeter, jealous of her daughter’s rights, turned Minthe into garden mint! (In another version of the myth, Persephone becomes enraged and tramples the nymph, turning her into mint in the process or else simply killing her, with the result that Dìs turns Minthe into mint to preserve her.)

Leuce, perhaps the first mistress taken by Dìs, was an ocean nymph and reputed to be the most beautiful of all the nature spirits gracing the ancient world. Like Theophile and later Persephone, she too was abducted by the god. Despite that inauspicious beginning, Dìs loved her with a love that would not be rivaled until he married Persephone. When Leuce eventually died, Dìs was inconsolable.

After an interval during which he could only mourn and weep, he decided to create a memorial of his love for Leuce and of her love for him. In the Elysian Fields, he brought into being the first and archetypal white poplar tree. As a memorial, it stood for memory, memory of a love that would never fade, never grow old, a love so strong that it could be regenerative.

The white poplar was sacred to Persephone, and the name Leuce became one of Persephone’s epithets, almost implying that the nymph was resurrected in the goddess. In the first tale of The Hades Cycle, “Eurydice Otherwise,” my heroine makes essential use of the white poplar in her efforts to save herself. And I, as the author, make use of Dìs’ reputation to posit that the three abductions on his record might not have been the only abductions he attempted.

For more about the gods and goddesses of the ancient world, see:
Lugh and the Lunasad
The Norns of Fate’s Door
Mother Holle



Cover Reveal: Take from Hell

Take from Hell will release in just a day or two!

Initially it will be available on Amazon for purchase and in Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited subscription service for free download.

Take from Hell is the third of seven tales in The Hades Cycle.

Some months after the seventh tale is released, Take from Hell will leave the KU subscription service and be available for purchase on all major e-tailers, including Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Amazon, and more.

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Newly Released: Artemis in Chase

The goddess of the hunt burns for justice…

When Artemis discovers her handmaiden dead in the forest—slain by Dìs, lord of the underworld—she demands that Zeus punish the murder. But Zeus upholds Dìs, who boasts that he will steal a nymph away to his dark realm whenever he so desires.

The indifference of the other Olympians forces Artemis to take matters into her own hands.

Because Dìs wields powers beyond any Artemis commands, she crafts a complex scheme to secure the magical artifact she needs to bring Dìs to his knees.

But unless Artemis learns the essential truth at the heart of all vengeance, her strategy must fail. Will she do what she knows is wrong to defeat Dìs? Or will she do right and condemn her nymphs to death by his hand?

Artemis in Chase is the second tale in the immersive Hades Cycle. If you’re entranced by the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece—if you long to visit their mythic world, to witness their passions and triumphs—you’ll love this compelling story of revelation and revenge.

Read Artemis in Chase to hunt with the goddess today!



Cover Reveal: Eurydice in Truth

Eurydice in Truth will release in early November!

Initially it will be available on Amazon for purchase and in Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited subscription service for free download.

Eurydice in Truth is the fourth of seven tales in The Hades Cycle.

Some months after the seventh tale is released, Eurydice in Truth will leave the KU subscription service and be available for purchase on all major e-tailers, including Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Amazon, and more.

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Newly Released: Eurydice Otherwise

I had so much fun writing the seven tales in The Hades Cycle. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Tale One is now available on Amazon and in the Kindle Unlimited subscription program.

She’s not Eurydice, but she’s caught the eye of hell’s king…

Phoebe, a nature spirit of ancient Greece, loves her mountain birthplace and intends never to leave it. But the Olympian Artemis’ dazzling glamor lures her away to join the goddess’ retinue of handmaidens.

Initially the handmaidens welcome Phoebe warmly, but their friendship turns to bullying once Artemis turns her back. Phoebe’s inexperience makes her no match for the mean girls, who win every verbal battle.

And when Phoebe chooses a protector other than the often-absent Artemis, she courts a danger far worse than cruel taunts or stinging slaps. Unless she learns to value herself for herself—rather than depending on the regard of others—she will perish in Hades’ depths.

“Eurydice Otherwise” is the intense first tale in The Hades Cycle. If you enjoy ancient mythology brought to vivid life, you’ll love the entrancing characters, inventive world building, and startling twists in J.M. Ney-Grimm’s gripping short story of the old gods.

Read “Eurydice Otherwise” to turn hell into heaven today!

“Eurydice Otherwise” on Amazon



Cover Reveal: Eurydice Otherwise

Eurydice Otherwise will release on June 7, 2022!

Initially it will be available on Amazon for purchase and in Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited subscription service for free download.

Eurydice Otherwise is the first of seven tales in The Hades Cycle.

Some months after the seventh tale is released, Eurydice Otherwise will leave the KU subscription service and be available for purchase on all major e-tailers, including Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Amazon, and more.

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