Page for a Coloring Book

I’ve been drawing in the evening and enjoying it. I find it relaxing, engaging, and satisfying. Plus I think the results are cool! 😀

coloring book patterns used

Some of the pattern combinations I’ve drawn won’t work in the coloring book I intend to create, and that’s okay. I draw primarily for my own pleasure. But many of my pen-and-ink designs look perfect to me as candidates for a page in my coloring book.

I’m hoping that a few of you who visit my blog enjoy coloring. If you do, would you consider doing me a favor?

Click on the image below, and the link should take you to the original image file, which is a little larger than the image appearing in this post.

Print out the design. And try coloring it!

Then report back on your experience. (Either in the comments or via email.)

Was it fun? Was there a part of the design that you particularly liked? Was there a part that you wished were different? I’d love to know, so that I can tailor future pages for maximum enjoyment.

coloring book, sample page 1

Thank you!

For more design patterns:
Nest of the Phoenix (Story for My Coloring Book)
Wing-clap of the Phoenix

For more about the origin of my proposed coloring book:
Drawing for Fun and Relaxation

