Wild Garden

I’m looking at it right now. There’s nothing tame about it. It’s a wild tangle of green. Tendrils of new ivy, bright and clinging, sneaking everywhere. A feathery mass of periwinkle. Sprays of fern. Long, whippy weed things. And two gnarly maples rising out of the mass. The fairies should live here.

Periwinkle, ivy, and ferns beneath two maples

For more photos:



Tree Rocket

A tall oak grows in my neighbor’s yard up the street. It’s so tall, tall as a Gemini rocket, maybe. And its branches spray out like fireworks. This spring, the new leaves on it glowed a fiery green. The oak just stood there, the way trees do. But it burned. And I … felt fizzy delight in its beauty. I craned my neck back, looking up, farther up. And there at the top, three contrails burst from its crown, curving streaks of white jetting across blue, as though the oak’s energy claimed all heaven. This was Iggdrasil, the Tree of the World, planted in my neighbor’s yard.

photo of might oak against the sky

For more photos:

For a sample of the story inspired by this oak . . . coming soon!




The cherry tree under snowfall graced my front garden in early March.

A mere month later, petals of pale pink flocked its branches.

The beauty of nature holds such an easy, soothing, fractal loveliness. It seems almost cheating to share it with you. In all likelihood, you encounter such beauty right outside your own front door. I hope you do! But isn’t it glorious to share visions and wonder with one another?

In that spirit, I give you … boughs of the cherry tree under blossom.


photo of cherry blossom boughs against blue sky

For more photos:
Wild Garden




I’ve mused on life change and the why’s and wherefore’s connected with it. I’ve shared some of my favorite reads with you. I’ve declaimed on myth-busting and food. I’ve lighted on many a flower in the meadow of my curiosity, started a dialog on every topic that interests me – except one.


I’m astonished I left it so late.

How could something so close to my heart go unmentioned? Perhaps because it touches so deep.

Beauty of sound and beauty of silence.
Beauty of vision and beauty of being.
Beauty of feeling and beauty of knowing.

Like L.M. Montgomery’s character, Walter Blythe, ugliness hurts me. And yet I’ve seen ugliness so profound it achieves beauty.

I love beauty at all scales. Minute, pollen dusted across a lily petal, and vast, the spray of the Milky Way across our earth’s night sky. Trivial, the pattern of my blue and white tablecloth, and essential, the love in my husband’s eyes.

And yet . . . I appreciate beauty in silence more often than I speak of it.

What about you?

Blogging is a sort of speaking. Perhaps that’s why I’ve waited. Having waited, I find the words still sparse. I’ll leave you with a soupçon of beauty from the middle range – nothing startling or deep, merely a classic that’s nearly cliché: freshly fallen snow.


photo of newly fallen snow on tree branches

For more photos:
Tree Rocket

