Coconut Chocolates

chocolates on a bule willow plateWith a little more foresight, I might have posted this before Valentine’s Day instead of after! Alas! But these are candies worth having in your fridge all year, because . . . they’re actually good for you. In moderation, of course! Don’t eat them every day. Gotta watch those carbs. (Grin!)

“How can candy be good for you?” you ask.

Well, the dehydrated cane juice and the honey aren’t, but everything else is just fine and some, downright essential. The coconut oil is especially beneficial.

Here’s three quick reasons why it’s so good:

• The fats in coconut oil are not stored in the body as fat.
They are quickly converted to energy

• People living in countries where coconut is an important part of their diet
have lower rates of heart disease and cancer

• The fats in coconut oil kill viruses and pathogenic bacteria
by stripping their protective outer layer

So how do you make coconut chocolates? It’s really easy, no real cooking involved. The only disadvantage? Washing the food processor afterward!

photos of making coconut chocolates



1/2 cup sprouted almonds
1/2 cup hazelnuts
1-1/2 cups coconut oil (unrefined)
3 tablespoons butter
2/3 cup dried, shredded coconut
5 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/4 cup raw honey
1 tablespoon dehydrated cane juice

One thought on ingredients: get sprouted almonds, if you can! All nuts have phytic acid in them, and phytic acid sweeps necessary minerals like calcium out of the body. Sprouting the nuts gets rid of the phytic acid and makes other nutrients more bio-available.



Grind the almonds and hazelnuts in a food processor. I try to grind them down to a nut butter. My family prefers “smooth” to “crunchy,” but keep your own preferences in mind when deciding how much to process the nuts.


Add the butter and coconut oil and process again. You can probably skip this step – just dump the rest of the ingredients in – but I like to get the “batter” silky smooth!


Now add the honey, evaporated cane juice, cocoa powder, and shredded coconut. Process until blended and smooth.


Next pour the “batter” into ice cube trays. If the weather is really cool, you might need to spoon it in. Coconut oil is liquid in Virginia’s summer, but solid in winter. The other thing you can do is warm the coconut oil before you add it to the processor. That keeps the “batter” pourable.


The other thing to consider is acquiring some trays designed for bottle-sized ice cubes. Helps to keep the chocolates bite sized.


Next the filled trays go into the freezer. If you have room, you can spread them out and avoid covering them with plastic wrap. (I prefer to avoid the stuff.)


Unfortunately, my freezer doesn’t truly have room. (Cheating a little on that photo!) I have to stack the trays, and I don’t want chocolate smeared all over their bottoms. So I wrap. You’ll see it in the photo where the chocolates come out of the freezer.


Once the chocolates are firm (several hours), take them out of the freezer and remove them from the trays. Cut them into bite-sized chunks. Store them in glass jars in the fridge. (You don’t want them melting, the way they might in a room-temp cupboard.)




If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of coconut oil – there’s way more than the three points I listed above – I have a post!


But you knew I did, didn’t you?


:: smiling ::


A few more recipes:
Coconut Salmon
The Carrot Un-recipe
Eggplant Merveilleux



Coconut Salmon

photos of making coconut salmonI love how crispy the coconut crust becomes and how beautifully it keeps the salmon moist. I have trouble hitting the sweet spot with salmon – not undercooked, but not over dry – and this recipe makes it easy!


1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
1/8 teaspoon paprika
1/2 cup dried, shredded coconut
12 – 18 oz salmon filets


Preheat your oven to 375F.


Arrange the salmon in a buttered baking dish.


Mix the coconut, salt, and paprika in a small bowl.


Melt the butter.


Add the melted butter to the coconut mixture and stir until the butter is well diffused through the dry ingredients.


Spread the coconut-butter mixture on top of the salmon.


Place the salmon in the oven.


Bake 12 minutes, if salmon is thawed (or fresh). Bake 25 minutes if the salmon is frozen.


More Recipes
Baked Carrots
Sautéed Eggplant
